Wednesday 20 November 2013

Getting ready to travel

Well in just over 10 days we will be off on our big overseas trip. 
Mum I thought this was a way I can share with you what we are up to. 

When I look at the temperature in Norway this morning and see that the sun rises at about 8.45am and sets just before 4pm I do wonder why we are leaving this lovely summer?
I looked at my garden and it is full of colour, with the raspberries starting to fruit. I have covered the red currants as the birds love them green.  I wanted 2 little boys from Australia to enjoy them when they come to visit their auntie while she house sits.  I am enjoying the cuddles from Izzy, our dog, and feel guilty as how do you explain to a dog that you are going away???

This morning, after I talked to my boys, I realised this is something special, as we will get to spend Christmas together in Sweden with snow all around.  Something children dream about.  Not only do we get to experience this white Christmas but we get to have the family around plus the boys partners.  What more would a mother want??  I get to enjoy the company of girls or should I say young women and the fun of planning Christmas with our sons future in-laws.  When they visited us we were having a heat wave.
Sweden Christmas 2012

I am sure that isn't going to happen on our visit to them, but what is more special than a fire, nice food and wine and really special company.  Lucky us.